
litter & bedding...

 have tried, I swear, soo many types of bedding. Before I start on anything else I'm going to go ahead and hit the 'wood shavings' debate in the head. I think it's important to represent both sides of the argument so that you can make an informed decision as an owner.

“There is strong scientific evidence that pine and cedar shavings are harmful to the health of rodents.  Both these softwood shavings give off aromatic hydrocarbons (phenols) and acids that are toxic.  The phenols, which give the shavings their scent, are the reason that cedar repels fleas and moths and why pine-oil is the major ingredient in Pine-sol brand disinfectant.  In the laboratory,  pine and cedar shavings have been shown to inhibit the growth of micro-organisms   When animals are exposed to softwood shavings the aromatic hydrocarbons are absorbed through the respiratory tract and enter the blood.” by Debbie “The Rat Lady” Ducommun

“Many people feel that wood shavings are not an ideal litter for rats, because they give off essential oils and can be very dusty. However good quality wood shavings (as opposed to sawdust) can provide an excellent bedding for rats. Despite common misconceptions, there is no evidence that the most common forms of wood shavings (usually pine or spruce in the UK -- a white or pale yellow wood) cause any damage to rat health: studies have failed to find any connection between respiratory ailments and use of ordinary shavings. In fact, the rats kept on shavings in one study actually lived longer than those not exposed to moderate amounts of aromatic oils!” - A. Robinson & A. Horn 1998-2007

Pine and cedar shavings are wonderful for absorbing odor, but why take the risk of exposing your pets to dangerous chemicals? There is a great alternative though, and if you are comfortable using Aspen shavings for your pet that is your decision. Aspen is a hard wood and doesn’t have aromatic oils in it, but works just as well.   Another good alternative is Soft-Sorbent Lavender. The only nuisance with Soft-Sorbent is that it can be messy, my rats often kick it out of the cage if they’re playing or wrestling. It’s all natural though, and is compostable too. You can even flush it down the toilet! Breeders Choice Cat Litter is also a great choice for your litter box. I've tried to use Carefresh and Carefresh Ultra and I think they're both mediocre and messy. They don't absorb old well enough and Carefresh is so easily kicked out.
