I spent a good few hours today searching Etsy (my FAVORITE store!) for goodies for small animals! I found an amazing variety of items, and I am happy to share them with you!
Loofah chews!!! from JadedEstrella
this small animal tent looks really amazing!! by laurelszoo
A gorgeous knitted rat bed! And look at those beauties in the photo!! from rachelschell
There is so much more on Etsy to find! Search for small animal treats, small animal toys, rat toys, etc and go crazy! If you haven't heard of Etsy yet it's a really wonderful site that supports home businesses and creative people all over the world. It is amazzing!!
I've searched high and low for Christmas presents for your rats and rat lovers alike <3
Um, a Christmas stocking for pet mice, rats, gerbils, and hamsters?? YES THANK YOU! I'd like a few.
I'm not sure if these little guys would ship to Australia, but they're available from a UK site called Companion Choice and they are available here.
It contains 50g of Hamster Hoops, 50g of chocolate drops and a wooden chew carrot.
While I'm not sure if I'd reallly buy one of these, I KNOW you could make them yourself....I feel an idea coming on....

A big wooden see-saw to peepee on!! I know my girls, and especially my boys, would have so much fun scratching, peeing, and sniffing this guy!
I found it on Amazon.Uk but it is currently unavailable. Wish I could find this!

For the Rat Lover themselves, how about checking out Hamster Agility for their "Rattie Caddy". It's a polar fleece sort of scarf you wear around your neck for your rats to play around in. I am going to MAKE one of these babies, Gus Gus would be much happier going to the shops and riding on trams with me if he had a warm snuggle place to curl up in, but could still look out to see what's going on!

More gift ideas coming soon!

Sometimes I think I take on too much, come up with too many ideas to handle them all! I realized I hadn't posted in awhile. But I've started a Rat A Day Picture taking session.
First up was Ezio, for yesterday's profile picture! He's my little ham <3
And today's was GusGus my little photo cheeser. Such a cutie!!

I stayed home sick today, and of course as most days of the sort I end up having a bit of a ratty day. They just make me feel better :) I took some great pictures of Boo's big belly. She's due tomorrow, so our family is very excited to be welcoming her babies into the world any day now.
She has such a big baby belly! I can't wait to see them!!

Gus has been a ham as well. I got him as a rescue from Ruby Rattery a few weeks ago, and even though he's been extremely loving and cuddly, I got my very first lick today! WHAT A HAPPY MOMENT! He's quickly becoming one of my heart rats, a very special rat friend.
How could you not love that face!! Gosh!

I will keep you updated with the babies <3