I've searched high and low for Christmas presents for your rats and rat lovers alike <3
Um, a Christmas stocking for pet mice, rats, gerbils, and hamsters?? YES THANK YOU! I'd like a few.
I'm not sure if these little guys would ship to Australia, but they're available from a UK site called Companion Choice and they are available here.
It contains 50g of Hamster Hoops, 50g of chocolate drops and a wooden chew carrot.
While I'm not sure if I'd reallly buy one of these, I KNOW you could make them yourself....I feel an idea coming on....

A big wooden see-saw to peepee on!! I know my girls, and especially my boys, would have so much fun scratching, peeing, and sniffing this guy!
I found it on Amazon.Uk but it is currently unavailable. Wish I could find this!

For the Rat Lover themselves, how about checking out Hamster Agility for their "Rattie Caddy". It's a polar fleece sort of scarf you wear around your neck for your rats to play around in. I am going to MAKE one of these babies, Gus Gus would be much happier going to the shops and riding on trams with me if he had a warm snuggle place to curl up in, but could still look out to see what's going on!

More gift ideas coming soon!

Sometimes I think I take on too much, come up with too many ideas to handle them all! I realized I hadn't posted in awhile. But I've started a Rat A Day Picture taking session.
First up was Ezio, for yesterday's profile picture! He's my little ham <3
And today's was GusGus my little photo cheeser. Such a cutie!!
